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Sharing Your Success with Poker Pals

Written by May Alexander
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Using your live chat feature to distribute the class poker once held, while promoting your username for good - not evil.
It is no secret that communicating via email, online chat and even face to face from mobile devices allows the world to keep in touch with those they love, no matter where they are geographical located. This has changed the way individuals connect, and will only increase the communicative flow internationally.

In the same vain, that communication has transferred to online poker rooms with different sites exploring live chat at the tables, which players can usually turn on or off based on their preference. This provides an exceptional tool that allows players to say, “Hey...Nice hand (insert username here)!” Chances are, the more you play online, the more the other players know about your level of play. Much like a physical table provides the tells and mannerisms of those involved, online poker is not necessarily as anonymous as one might think, and here’s why.

Article continued on: Best Poker Offers

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